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The "Woke" Ideology Has Been Adopted By Justin Trudeau

The term "Woke"; originally came from the black community meaning being alert to racial prejudice and discrimination. It has grown to include all social injustices and prejudices, including the treatment of ethnic, racial or sexual minorities. The idea has been co-opted by people calling themselves progressives who have expanded the concept of an injured party to include anyone who has been publicly made to feel uncomfortable, or been disrespected or slighted in any way by someone or something and is made to order for anyone eager to play the victim. Victimhood endows the victim with status in the woke world. The offending party or someone who disagrees with the woke agenda can be vilified in mob-like reprisals involving public shaming, boycotts, professional scorn, firing from their job, or worse. See more of what the "woke" doctrine means in practice.

The worst of these is in the area of gender politics, especially concerning the transgender community, who believe that your gender can be changed through surgeries of sex organs and hormone treatment. This is despite the scientific fact that your DNA cannot be changed and that your bones, muscles, brain, and other internal organs are all determined at birth by your gender. It is biologically impossible Transgender Sports Protestto change your sex.

Belief in this trendy nonsense has resulted in the indoctrination of schoolchildren who are told that there is no such thing as girls and boys, the view that men who identify as females should be able to use female bathrooms and change rooms, and the promotion of this concept in the educational, healthcare, and entertainment fields.

The National Post did an article on parents that were shocked to discover that their children were social transitioning in Ontario schools without their knowledge, and in fact it was policy that parents could not be informed without the child's consent. It found that many family problems were created when schools undermined parental authority by hiding gender dysphoria of their children. The Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board permits children as young as 4-year-olds in kindergarten to make these decisions. Other school boards have supported the position that there is no age limit on children being identified as the gender that is opposite of their biological sex. Teachers have become gender fluidity advocates. When a parent filed a complaint with the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal that their six-year-old student in the Ottawa-Carleton District was taught by their first-grade teacher that there was no such thing as boys and girls, the tribunal dismissed the complaint. Teachers have had the Children's Aid Society pursue parents who question the trans plans of their children and school policies. It is distrubing that instead of educating students in the reality of biological science, they have perpetuated dangerous and destructive bogus nonsense.

An invesigation that was conducted in England into the social and medical transitioning of children diagnosed with gender dysphoria in gender identity clinics and services by a team led by pediatrician Dr. Hilary Cass resulted in a report to England's National Health Service (NHS) that found that gender-affirmative medical practice is built on "remarkably weak evidence". It found that ideology, instead of science, was used to promote social and medical gender transitioning procedures in children and teenagers and that there should be restrictions on these practices. It noted that the recent increase in gender identity problems was largely influenced by the social contagion of social media. The report was widely accepted and is part of a growing backlash against the transgender lunacy.

In Canada the Trudeau government passed a "conversion therapy" law that potentially criminalizes the withholding of cross-sex drugs from, or offering psychotherapy to, gender-confused children. A report by the Aristotle Foundation for Public Policy (AFPP), compared the mimimum age for prescribing puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, and sex-reassignment surgery and the requirements for medical transitioning for children and teenagers in the United States and Canada with those of northern and western Europe. It found that, "Canada and the United States are the most permissive countries when it comes to the legal and medical gender transition of children." In Canada, for example, other than in Alberta and Nova Scotia, there is no minimum age for puberty blockers.

To contradict the Woke crowd has resulted in professional problems for Canadian educators who have dared to speak up and intimidation for those who also disagree but will not because of the threat to their livelihood.

Jordan Peterson was a psychology professor at the University of Toronto who resigned in protest against the Diversity, Inclusivity and Equity (DIE) or (DEI) mandates that discriminated against his male, white, heterosexual students for study, research and teaching positions. He also refused to use genderless pronouns like "they" and "them" in addressing people instead of "him" and "her" and raised the possibility of being in violation of the Canadian Human Rights Code, that added gender identity and expression to anti-discrimination laws in 2017 by Trudeau's Liberals, if someone refuses to use the specific chosen pronouns. Legal experts have pointed out that this is possible under the legislation. He was sanctioned by the College of Psychologists of Ontario for saying that the "transing" of minors is a crime against humanity and a moral crime of the butchers of the medical community and those that promote such procedures and was foreced to undergo re-education by the College.

University of Alberta associate professor Kathleen Lowrey was dismissed as associate chair of undergraduate studies in the department of anthropology in March 2020 over her views on gender identity and expression. Her crime? She publicly challenged the idea that men can become women and women can become men. Her career is destined to become stunted as a result of this action by the university.

More on the censorship of views questioning transgender policies here -

Students at Oxford University tried to cancel an appearance by Professor Kathleen Stock, a leading feminist, at the Oxford Union later this month over her views that trans women are not women. New legislation passed in Parliament explicitly requires student unions to secure freedom of speech for all students at the university. It states that they cannot disaffiliate societies or bar them from premises on the grounds of their ideas or beliefs.

J.K. Rowling, of Harry Potter fame, has been a proponent of women's rights which have been under attack in the U.K. from pro transgender advocates as men masquerading as women have been allowed to be incarcerated in women's prisons and anti-hate laws in Scotland that forbid pointing out the absurdity of this situation and speaking out about the dangers of eliminating female's single-sex spaces, the participation of biological men in competitive women's sports, and the treatment of biological men as women by the justice system. In 2014, the Scottish prison service allowed all prisoners to be placed in facilities matching their gender identity, rather than their sex at birth, providing accommodation that "best suits the person in custody's needs". It was updated in February 2023 after a multiple rapist was sent to a women's prison, so that no newly convicted or remanded transgender prisoner with a history of violence against women would be housed in female prison facilities. It doesn't go as far as England and Wales who have banned trans women with male genitalia from female prisons, as well as those convicted of sexual offences or any violence.

The case of the rapist, Adam Bryson, came to the attention of the public when he was remanded to a women's prison while awaiting sentencing in accordance with the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill that was intended to make it easier for people as young as 16 to change their gender. He began the process of taking hormones for gender transition, but still retaining his male genitalia, while awaiting trial. In addition to the conviction for two rapes he was accused by his estranged wife of stabbing and attempting to rape her. He was sentenced to eight years in a men's prison and put on the sex offenders' register. The controversy resulted in the resignation of Scotland's First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon.

The State of Kentucky passed legislation that prioritizes the health, safety, and welfare of children and safeguards them from, among other things, irreversible medical services, and ideological indoctrination in schools. The Attorney General said that, "It is indefensible that leftist activists are disguising sterilization and genital surgeries as pediatric care for vulnerable children. I will do everything in my power to protect Kentucky kids from this radical agenda." And the website for the Attorney General states, "The fringe perception that harmful drugs and life-altering mutilations should be used to affirm a child’s gender is monstrous".

Transgender male to female athletes have become competing in female competitions and, as you guessed it, won due to their biological advantages. After an epidemic of transgender men/women Austin Killipscompeting as women in women's sporting events, some sports organizations have banned the practice to ensure fairness in women's competitions.

The International Cycling Union banned the practice after a transgender man/women, Austin Killips, won the Tour of the Gila competition. World Athletics, the governing body of track and field events has Lia Thomasbanned transgender men/women from competing in their women's events and at the 2024 Paris Olympics. World Aquatics, swimming's governing body also enacted a ban. Many U.S. states have completely banned transgender athletes from women's sports. But of course some groups such as the American Civil Liberties Association, who are pro transgender everything, have come out in favour of biological males competing as females.

The NCAA, the National Collediate Athletic Association in 2022 enacted a new policy, supposedly aligned with recent changes by the International Olympic Committee, which the NCAA claims is “a sport-by-sport approach to transgender participation that preserves opportunity for transgender student-athletes while balancing fairness, inclusion and safety for all who compete”, after a transgender man/woman, Lia Thomas, won a publicly controversial swimming medal after being ranked 65th in the men's sport. The policy involves some complicated rules on hormone treatment rather than an outright ban on biological males competing in women's sports. A lawsuit has been filed by 16 athlete plaintiffs, organized by the Independent Council on Women's Sport, against the NCAA. It seeks to ban the right of biological males to compete against female athletes, retroactively reassign medals won by trans athletes in women's competitions, and asks for damages for pain and suffering, mental and emotional distress, suffering and anxiety, expenses and other damages due to the defendant's wrongful conduct.

N.B. Premier HiggsRecently, the premier of New Brunswick, Blaine Higgs, encountered the wrath of the LGBTQ when he changed the policy that sets gender rules in public schools. The first change to the policy pertains to sports and in particular transgender participation in sports and the impact on girl's athletic teams and scholarship programs where biological males have unfair advantages with a view to leveling the playing field. The next change is discontinuing the practice of allowing males who identify as females, meaning any creep, to use female bathrooms and changing rooms. This is a common demand by the LGBTQ which has resulted in several U.S. states passing legislation to prevent this from being permitted and falsely characterized as anti-LGBTQ laws.

And the most controversial change is making it no longer mandatory for teachers to use the preferred pronouns or names of transgender or non-binary students under the age of 16. A teacher or school would need to obtain parental consent of a child who wants to change their name at school. A student who refuses parental involvement would be referred to a school psychologist or social worker to develop a plan to inform the student's parents if and when they are ready to do so. Previously, the school must hide the fact that the child is using a different name or pronoun at school to the point of taking down artwork with the student's chosen name on parent-teacher night.

You have to dig deep to get enough of this information to really understand what is going on. Most of the media avoided the actual details, leaving the public largely uninformed about the situation.

His Wokeness, Justin Trudeau, of course had to get involved saying "Far-right political actors are trying to outdo themselves with the types of cruelty and isolation they can inflict on these already vulnerable people. Right now, trans kids in New Brunswick are being told they don't have the right to be their true selves, that they need to ask permission. Well, trans kids need to feel safe, not targeted by politicians". Which of course is absolute rubbish. The Conservative Leader, Pierre Poilievre said, "My message to Justin Trudeau is butt out, and let provinces run schools and parents raise kids". A sentiment shared by many parents.

In a further demonstration of the ideology run amuck, the Canadian Civil Liberties Association has threatened legal action against the province if it doesn't reverse the changes to the new policy. Transgender activists, unashamedly encouraging their anti-biology agenda in school children, also came out in support of schools hiding from parents the infection of their children by the transgender virus.

Saskatchewan has recently enacted similar rules in its schools, believing that parents have a right to know, as well as assuming more control over sex education and allowing more parent involvement in this part of the curriculum. Manitoba is also taking steps to keep parents informed.

Alberta has also has announced a ban on gender reassignment surgery for those 17 and under and no hormone therapies for anyone 15 and under. The province will also clamp down on transgender female athletes competing in female sport. Premier Smith says they're needed to ensure youth don't make life-altering medical decisions they would later regret as adults. Of course Justin has to add his idiotic comments, calling Alberta's new proposals on the treatment of transgender youth the "most anti-LGBT of anywhere in the country."

Demonstrations across the country called the "1 Million March 4 Children" took place in September 2023 were meant to support the parents right to know and to call for discontinuing transgender ideology teaching in schools. The Woke crowd held counter demonstrations accusing the parents of hate, which is their typical attempt to disparage those who disagree with them and dismiss their concerns.

Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre recently made a common sense statement at a press conference in Kitchener, Ontario. "Obviously, female sports, female change rooms, female bathrooms should be for females-not for biological males". Ignoring the opinions of the majority of Canadians, Justin had more out-of-touch comments. "I think Mr. Poilievre and politicians like him are choosing to attack some of the most vulnerable people in our society as a way of deflectingfrom the fact that they're very good at creating division and anger and creating political toxicity and driving wedge issues". He entirely discounts the vulnerability of females to male transgender intrusions into female sports and private areas.