fanatic Guilbeault


Should a fanatic like Steven Guilbeault be an environment minister?

Steven Guilbeault, as Canada's Minister of Environment and Climate Change, has found his calling as part of Justin Trudeau's Mad Hatter's Tea Party. Shown above at left in an orange jump suit being arrested for climbing Toronto's CN Tower, he has carried out his duties with fanatical zeal, riding roughshod over any semblance of common sense. Before he gets turfed from his position at the next federal election, he is intent on doing as much damage to the Canadian oil and gas industry and the Canadian economy as he can.

In addition to carbon taxes, he has come up with his "Clean Electricity Regulations" that limits the amount of carbon that an electrical plant that uses fossil fuels to generate electricity produces by 2035. There is also the "Net Zero Carbon by 2050 Plan", that requires that all energy must be produced by non-fossil fuel electricty, and will cost $4.5 trillion, $400,000 per family, even if it is achievable. A Fraser Institute study found that it would take 10 new mega-dams the size of the Site C hydro dam in British Columbia, that took 20 years to build at a cost of $16 billion to handle the increased electricity demand in Canada, even if any more viable hydro sites can be found, or 13 large natural gas (i.e, fossile fuel) plants. And although hydro power is already at 87% of electrical generation, reaching 100% for renewables will be unlikely.

Similarly the Muskrat Falls project in Labrador, that provides electricity to Sun BeijingNewfoundland and Nova Scotia cost $13 billion, began construction in 2013 after years in the planning stage starting in 1999, is far behind schedule and still not completed. Even when operating, Nova Scotia's 52% reliance on coal and 22% on natural gas to generate electricity will only be cut in half. Ontario's reliance on nuclear power, 54% and hydro, 26% will have to be increased. More dams or more nuclear plants? New Brunswick is not likely to be able to do without its coal use at 14% and natural gas at 15%. Alberta and Saskatchewan are hopeless cases. There is no way that their 85% to 90% use of natural gas and coal to generate electricity can be replaced anytime soon.

More recently, further cementing his image as a kooky fanatic, he showed up on the steps of the Conservative party's national convention to complain that Pierre Poilievre did not share his extreme ideology. Who does that? If a Conservative MP showed up at the Liberal Convention ranting about Justin Trudeau, the Conservatives would be raked over the coals by the left-wing media and Trudeaumaniacs. He refused to answer whether he raised the issue of China's interference in Canada's elections in his ill-conceived trip to meet with Chinese officials on climate change, which was another demonstration of fantasy overriding reality.

As the Executive Vice Chairperson of the Executive Committee on the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED), he travelled to Beijing to take part in a conference on climate change. But even before it started, the Global Times, published by the Chinese Communist Party's central committee, heralded the visit as an opportunity to ease the strained China-Canada relations. However, it quoted a source warning that if Guilbeault demands that China become more aggressive on carbon emissions in a condescending tone, the result could be counterproductive. This Chinese organization put him on notice that China will not cease building coal-fired plants. It burns more coal than the rest of the world combined and is currently building two coal-fired plants per week, being part of China's Xi Jinping's energy security policy. Canada's participation and payment to this organization of $16 million for this farce, while we are investigating China's interference in democratic elections in Canada and around the world, after the kidnapping of two Canadian citizens, while it threatens its neighbours, and puts bounties on its citizens abroad, further demonstrates now naive this government is in its dealings with China.

In his latest ideology idiocy, addressing a group of transit advocates, Guilbeault felt himself amongst fellow radicals and announced that the Trudeau government “has made the decision to stop investing at the federal level in new road infrastructure” because “the analysis we have done is that the network is perfectly adequate to respond to the needs we have.” To add to the lunacy, despite the investment of billions of dollars by the federal government in plants to manufacture batteries for electric vehicles, and that he has introduced electric vehicle sales mandate regulations that say 100 per cent of vehicle sales must be zero emission by 2035, he said that overestimating the capacity of electric vehicles to affect climate change is "an error, a false uptopia that will lets us down in the long run. We must stop thinking that electric cars will solve all our problems".

Guilbeault CCICED

Read more on the Liberal government carbon obsession here Carbon.